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Connecting Learning Factories for Promoting Manufacturing Education in South-East Europe

The manufacturing industry is a main driver of innovation, job creation and growth.

The ConnectSEE project aims to build a learning factory network between University of Zagreb (Croatia), FabLab Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina), University Politehnica of Bucharest (Romania), University of Tartu (Estonia), Festo Lernzentrum Saar (Germany) and TU Wien (Austria).

The primary goal of the activity is to set-up and extend TLFs, provide training opportunities and to share expertise and experience. TLFs promote manufacturing education and training for professionals, students and job-seekers, particularly in Balkan area.



Partners from Germany, Austria, Estonia, Romania, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Training Nuggets

Developed over 70 training localized digital nuggets


Four new Training and Learning Factories established and joined the EIT TLF network.

Who We Are

We are consortium of experienced partners responsible to develop, create and expand network of training and learning factories dedicated to improve manufacturing education.

What We Do

We are crating advanced programs and laboratories to enable advanced manufacturing education to students, professionals and job seekers in particular from Croatia, Estonia and Romania.

Featured Training and Learning Factories



Festo Ind 4.0 Teaching and Learning Factory