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Who We Are

We are consortium of experienced partners from six countries responsible to develop, create and expand network of training and learning factories dedicated to improve manufacturing education.

Our project will establish 4 new Training and Learning Factories and add it to the TLF network.

Our project is funded by EIT Manufacturing.

What is EIT Manufacturing?

EIT Manufacturing establishes an innovation community and build a network of ecosystems where people can acquire skills and find opportunities; and where innovators are able to attract investors and accede venture capital.

The manufacturing industry is a global base for prosperity and key to Europe’s economic, social and environmental sustainability. Manufacturing is a main driver of industrial innovation, job creation and growth for the European society.

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EIT Manufacturing is one of the EIT Innovation Communities.

What is EIT?

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an EU body created by the European Union in 2008 to strengthen Europe’s ability to innovate. The EIT is an proponent for Horizon 2020, the EU’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. 
To reach out to the countries where innovation capacity is moderate or modest, EIT has set up Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS).