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What We Do

The ConnectSEE will enable local young engineers, students and trainees to experience opportunities and benefits of a learning factory for re/up skilling. Students, professionals and job seekers in particular from Croatia, Estonia and Romania, will gain benefits from training programs, including technical and non-technical lessons offered by means of courses and learning nuggets tailored to their needs and the European job market.

We are creating programs to enable quick training in advance Industry 4.0 technologies.

Following are project outputs and activities:

Learning Factories

  • Set-up 4 new TLFs
  • Extended RIS capacity
  • Re/up skilling of workers / job-seekers
  • Student trainings
  • Establish training programs
  • Promote manufacturing education

Manufacturing Education

  • Curriculum design and learning content
  • Train the trainer
  • Skills.move as a platform
  • Development of 6 new learning paths
  • 70+ digital nuggets
  • Industry 4.0 principles


  • Establishing pan-regional network of TLFs
  • Connecting South East Europe TLFs
  • Connecting with local industries